Thursday, June 28, 2007

LP Missions Trip 07 Day 4-5

It's hard to believe that the camp down here is almost over! Time flies when you're having fun! Wednesday was a great day with the Momentum in full swing. The Bethel team continues their labor of love in shining fashion. Despite weariness and lack of sleep the teens continue to serve faithfully with a joyful spirit. Parents you should be proud! Our group is also looking for ways to interject the gospel of our Lord at every opportunity. It is during the small group time that our teens have been prepared to boldly proclaim Christ. Yesterday was college game day. It was a ball (no pun intended)! The heat and humidity were high, but the spirit of encouragement and service was the cool part (in a good way). Today was international day. Lots of festive food parties. More pics from today later. We thought Elle had come down with strep throat, but she seems to be alright after a check up. She was exposed to lots of germs because her campers love her some much that they were hanging on her. Then 2 of her cabin kids came down with strep. It appears that the Lord has answered our prayers by giving her a negative on the test, or he is giving her a few more days of health before it hits (we hope the former). She never once complained and was ready to get back and serve. Tomorrow is the last day with the kids. It has been a great week. We appreciate your prayers. Pray especially that many children respond to the gospel in these last 2 days. Pray that seeds will be planted for a bountiful harvest. Pray that God will continue to teach us in many ways. We will have a lot to debrief on in terms of what we have learned and I know it will promote healthy discussion.

Rejoicing in Christ,

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