Monday, November 29, 2010

"I Praise You 24/7...and this is how you do me"--Steve Johnson

News flash Steve:  You are getting way better than you deserve.  That breath you are breathing--on loan from God.  That incredible physical talent:  a gift from Christ.  Lack of hell fire surrounding you:  mercy and grace.  

I know it was a hard day, but don't blame God for your dropped pass.  He allowed it to happen.  If you are his then you should realize that he might have much to teach you through this.  (James 1:2-5)  You say that you praise Him--do you praise Him in good and bad? See Job.  

Let us not as sinful creatures who have rebelled against our creator blame God for anything bad that happens.  No, instead let us recognize that He is the all wise, all gracious, all merciful, all just one who chooses to provide salvation in Christ and hope to the sinner who will trust in His Savior as their master.  These slaves of Christ do embrace what their master gives--joyfully!

1 Timothy 1:15–16 (ESV)
15 The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. 16 But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life. 

Posted via email from Caleb's posterous

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

John Robinson's Charge to the Pilgrims

As I think about Thanksgiving and the pilgrims, I came across this quote from John Robinson who was the pastor of the separatist/puritan group that chose to send pilgrims to the New World. He was giving the group who was to embark upon the great voyage in the Mayflower and the Speedwell I final charge before they left.
His words are very poignant even now:

“I charge you before God…that you follow me no further than you have seen me follow the Lord Jesus Christ. If God reveals anything to you by any other instrument of His, be as ready to receive it as you were to receive any truth by my ministry, for I am verily persuaded the Lord hath more truth yet to break forth out of His Holy Word. For my part, I cannot sufficiently bewail the condition of those reformed churches which…will go, at present, no further than the instruments of their reformation. The Lutherans cannot be drawn to go beyond what Luther saw; whatever part of His will our God had revealed to Calvin, they will rather die than embrace it; and the Calvinists, you see, stick fast where they were left by that great man of God, who yet saw not all things. This is a misery much to be lamented…I beseech you, remember it, tis an article of your church covenant--that you shall be ready to receive what ever truth shall be made known to you from the word of God."

May we go wherever the Word of God leads us!

Posted via email from Caleb's posterous

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How to Defeat Satan!

Reading "Pilgrims Progress" I came across the fight of Pilgrim and Appolyon (satan). Pilgrim was almost killed by the terrible creature but prevailed by quoting scripture and believing scripture!

"The valiant man by handling sword and shield, doth make him tho' a dragon quit the field"

What encouragement in times of trial and temptation!

God has given us all we need!

Ps. 119:11 Your word have I treasured in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone

Posted via email from Caleb's posterous